Ananda Nilayam has nearly 50 destitute children of various ages. They have a true sense of belonging to the home, willing to share any household work. The children attend school; special tuition by voluntary teachers who supplement the tutoring after school. Sports, games, dance, tailoring, drawing etc.. are promoted for the recreational and developmental needs of the children. Food, clothing, education, health care are provided for free to the inmates.
Matha Prasantha Yogini
She the daughter of Sri. Sivathanupilla and Muthuramalakshmi Ammal, belonging to a reputed Brahmin family in the district of Thiruvanathapuram. Even as a child she was discontented with the situation of the people around her and she used to give away her jewelry for feeding her poor friends in the neighborhood. She was denied education being a girl and was forced into an early marriage at the age of twelve. She was widowed at the age of sixteen and later turned her interest into educating herself and following Gandhian ideologies of vocational skills. Thus she found tailoring as her area of interest and initiated a new venture, a tailoring center for women. Later she identified the need for having a shelter for the poor and the destitute leading to the establishment of Ananda Nilayam in the year 1934.
Project is managed by a committee offering voluntary service for all the day today administration and overall upkeep of the home.
- We provide food and shelter to 50 people including children and elders.
- All the children are sent to school and given free education
- We give financial assistance to poor cancer patients and cardiac patients
- Tailoring classes for women below poverty line is conducted.
- Free glucose test to poor diabetic patients 2 days in a month
- Free eye testing camps are conducted and Cardiac treatments are carried out jointly with the help of Lions Club, Aravind Hospital, Marakkonam Medical College and NagercoilBanken Singh hospital
- Financial help to the tune of rupees 25000 is given to deserving girls during their marriage.